The leading Indonesia exposition for Beauty Packaging was held in Indonesia, Jakarta ICI October 25-27, 2022 and Cosmebeaute November 3-5 , 2022. There are more evidence that Beauty Brands have a strong desire and interest in locating environmentally friendly packaging material alternatives to plastics to replace them.

The shows prove a success for Kemas as more and more Brands wants to develop Sustainable Packaging with one of the Global Beauty Manufacturers whose currently position itself as the forefront in the Global Sustainable Packaging Solution. Our Business Development Director, Dina K. Dinata, happens to open the show with a full packed audience for a seminar about “The Current Trends in Sustainable Packaging”. Topics include how “sustainability packaging” become the noises that is being blasted out in the social media for awareness. As the daughter of the owner PT. Kemas Indah Maju, she is aware that the journey of the plastic world needs a new vision and direction for KEMAS PKG.
“We need to be a part of plastic circular economy. We need to be a part of the solution for PLASTIC WASTE problem in this world. We need to create a more sustainable principles based on circular theory to inspire a call to action for the years to come. The philosophy of today’s packaging industry, which is linear, convenience-based, and consumption-based, as well as the design that corresponds to this thinking, were both developed in the past.
We are the generation that has the responsibility of molding the generation that our children will become to move markets toward a long-term circular mindset with Life Cycle Analysis driving the design of packaging.

Strong passion motivate people to take action. KEMAS PKG and its TOP MANAGEMENT are determined to continue to fuel the growth of sustainability packaging so we can drive forward with better and greener future for our children and our children’s children”.
Our Domestic Sales Manager, Iis Istriyana, couldn’t be happier with the amount of people who stopped by our booth. “There were instances when our visitors required to wait up in order to meet their turn to be able to be served by our Kemas Account Executive Team. We truly apologized for the hold up.The conversation were full of useful information as many Beauty Brands and Beauty Companies would like to see the options for Sustainable Packaging as well as options to launch beauty products with our new portfolio molds. Visitors were coming in and many are quite surprised with Kemas Packaging Technology that covers from plastic, metal, and sustainable materials.”
“The face-to-face contacts with our consumers are of the utmost significance to us. It is essential that people have the opportunity to get their hands on our innovation. I would like to thank everyone who came to visit us, and I hope to see you all again in Kemas Innovation Center”