– Jamie Matusow – What makes one beauty package stand out from the next? The answers run the gamut – from shape to materials, decoration to dispenser. We spoke to a number of industry analysts, suppliers and brands about their thoughts on innovation, knockout packages of the year and a few all-time greats.
Darren Eade, vice president of sales, Kemas USA, admits: “It’s very hard to come across any ‘true’ innovations these days. Most of what we see are rehashed ideas that are simply packaged in a different way.” He says, “For me, the only criteria that defines an innovative package is when it’s never been done before and is considered truly unique.”
Eade says that most of today’s trends lean toward one of two main aspects: decorative effects and delivery systems. “There are only so many shapes that can be achieved,” he says, “therefore, there is not much you can do as far as calling something truly innovative. So we’re having to focus on the areas where we can really make a difference.”
For Kemas, this means a primary focus on innovation is currently based not only around new packaging concepts for lipsticks, but also around unique decorative options.
Decorative effects have exploded, providing a multitude of creative ways to attract consumer attention. (For more on Decorative Techniques, please see the article in this issue.)
Crackle, dewdrop and spider web effects are a few examples of Kemas’ innovations. Eade says, “The crackle effect is our latest decorative creation whereby we use a proprietary spraying technique coupled with a unique ink compound.”However, he adds: “Our most recent innovations can only be presented to the public by personal request.” …..
Eade, of Kemas USA, says speed-to-market is very important “from the sense of claiming your position as the pioneer or creator of that technology.” That’s because he says, “unfortunately, in today’s extremely competitive world of manufacturing, the moment anyone catches wind of a new idea or concept, you have companies out there that would be more than willing to try and copy or duplicate those ideas.” Therefore, says Eade, the best way to establish your claim to a new innovation is to try and get launched to market in the quickest possible time frame. The downside, he says, “is that very rarely can anyone launch something quickly to market.”
See original press release here :